Up! Up! to the Sky

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Jahr: 2007/2008
Dauer: 01:55 min
Beschreibung: Arnold believes that he is an alien and is building devices that should take him "home". His mother protects him from the chaffings of the villagers but she cannot prevent him from being admitted to a mental hospital. There, physician Wanda takes on Arnold′s case. But Arnold not only mixes up her feelings but also her scientific world view: Is Arnold maybe really an extra-terrestrial being?
Anbieter: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rechte: In Copyright / Zorro Film GmbH (München-Geiselgasteig)
Produktionsfirma: Schneider + Groos Filmproduktion (Köln)
Regie: Hardi Sturm
Language: de